Internet Via Satellite

Satellite Broadband – for everyone, everywhere

Hytech Communications offers you have a high-speed Internet connection wherever you need thru our Business partners Satellite Broadband frees you from the limitations of terrestrial Internet connections, and brings you fast, reliable broadband, anywhere. Our customers enjoy high-speed Internet without the phone line. Our satellite-based solution is unaffected by landscape and the satellite Internet signal is available everywhere.

Our service does not suffer from fade-out away from cities, and is available in all areas immediately. Whether you need broadband at the top of a mountain, in the middle of a field, or simply living in a rural hamlet – we can help you make the connection.

Using proven satellite technology, Hytech Communications delivers fast Internet access straight to your computer system. More than 150 times faster than traditional dial-up, with a quality of service comparable to ADSL2, whether it's surfing the web, emailing, downloading files or watching videos, there will be no frustration waiting around for your content or information to arrive on screen.